So here goes – my thoughts for handling the current time warp and also for making us far better listeners, partners, parents and humans generally! This time warp seems to make everything very surreal for me – like I am here but not really! So I have great gratitude for the opportunity to reflect and actually look at my patterns and assess what has worked and what hasn’t! So the universe conspired to ‘help’ me do things differently. I was so busy travelling and doing stuff and on that treadmill that I didn’t even realize I was alive but not really living! That I was stressed and rushed constantly – even when there was really no time urgency and that I had to do some things differently. And it appears to be one of the keys to the universe – or at least earth life! However, I think the greatest gift of this whole experience for me has been the opportunity to ‘slow down to the speed of consciousness’ as my great friend Dr David Martin says. I feel like I should write to ‘ Dear Abby’! 😝
I am feeling somewhat unmotivated to market, write, slog, or create something. I feel like I am torn between enjoying the time to do ‘stuff’ around the house and garden – there is a LOT of maintenance – and feeling like I should be doing much more worthwhile ‘stuff’. Albeit I have been at home more than I have in 40 years – like ALL the time! And I seem to have a huge amount to do but don’t seem to be achieving much. I seem to have lost all sense of time these days.