Now, with most of the Quests and Dragon Slayer complete, I’d consider your account almost ready to become a member. But, that’s only about 2000 coins cheaper anyway. A rune scimitar, which you can hopefully afford from training at the Hill Giants for a while, is probably your best bet against Elvarg, but a cheaper alternative is to get a Rune Sword on stab. Now, once you’re done at 40 Attack, Strength and Defence, you’d have a very, very good chance of being able to kill Elvarg, the boss in the Dragon Slayer Quest. Its usually kind of crowded, so I guess you could go kill cows, or even Hill Giants and safe spot them for Magic XP. You should train your Magic at the Lesser Demon on top of the Wizards Tower.
#Runescape classic ernest the chicken free
You should also stop at level 33 Magic in Free to Play, since that’s the highest you’ll ever really need to get most of the teleports and 33 Magic is a way to save yourself 10 000 coins in the Dragon Slayer Quest. Now, from here, you’re pretty much set to train your combat stats all the way to base 40’s, but I’d recommend getting only 28 Range, and stopping there, since Member gain access to the Dorgeshuun Crossbow at this level, and it’s far better, far faster and far cheaper for range training. Once you base about 20 in your combat stats, you’ll easily be able to do Vampire Slayer, which will shoot you from 20 Attack all the way up to 28 Attack. So, in between doing these quests, I’d recommend training at cows, and then heading over to the hill giants for a little bit of money form their Nature Rune and Limpwurt Root drops. Now, from here, you can start knocking out all of the other super easy Quests, which have no requirements like Ernest the chicken, Romeo and Juliet, Sheep Shearer, Rune Mysteries, Restless Ghost, Cook’s Assistant, Witch’s Potion. Then after you complete Doric’s Quest, head North a bit into Goblin Village, and then really quickly complete the Goblin Diplomacy Quest, and that will give you 5 Quest Points.

So, this will get you all the way to 10 Mining, which is actually a requirement for This Knight’s Sword Quest, which you should definitely do once you get a little bit of a higher combat level. Speak to him to start the Doric’s Quest, and then hand him the ores and he will give you 1300 mining XP instantly. So, then grab all of the items you just bought, except for the scimitars, out of the bank, and then head over to Doric.ĭoric is located just outside of the entrance to Taverley. You’ll also need to buy a bottle of orange dye, and a bottle of blue dye. You can kill goblins for these, but it will save you some time just buying them on the Grand Exchange.
#Runescape classic ernest the chicken full
Also get yourself 6 normal clay, full copper ores, 2 iron ores, and 3 goblin mails. So then, with this 10 000, go straight to the Grand Exchange and buy yourself a steel scimitar and a metal scimitar for training. Once you have these, head over to Varrock, bank all your stuff except for the cooked cow meat, and go complete the Stronghold of Security for the free 10 000 coins.

While you are doing this, you should pick up about 10-15 of the cow meat and then go cook it on a fire. So, firstly, you should head straight to cows and get yourself base 10 in combat levels.

Now, once you get off tutorial Island, this is what I recommend doing. Doing this before you become a member means you’re one step closer to the 175 Quest Point requirement for the Grand Master Recipe for Disaster Quest. So, starting off, as soon as you enter the Old School Runescape world as a Free to Play player, you should start off by working your account up to Dragon Slayer, which allows you to use the Rune Plate Body, along with the Green Dragon Hide body.ĭragon Slayer requires at least level 32 quest points, which means you’re going to need to do quite a few Free to Play Quests before you can do the actual Dragon Slayer Quest. So, this guide is mainly for people who haven’t exactly got the money to spare for membership, and I guess it’s even for some new Old School players who just don’t want to waste their membership time where you’d be better off just doing it in Free to Play anyways. In today’s article, I’m going to be talking about the things you should do in a Free to Play server before you consider getting membership in Old School Runescape.